Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cooper's Hawk

This morning I decided to brush my teeth on our apartment balcony, I was thrilled that I did. While standing on the balcony I watched a hawk fly low past our apartment and land a few doors down. I grabbed my glasses and my camera and ran outside. Once outside I thought that I had missed the hawk. Then I heard rustling in the bushes and saw the hawk hop out onto the grass. He watched me for a minute and hopped back in. After sitting silently under the bushes for a little while he tried to catch one of the sparrows hiding in the bushes. He did this several times and would come out into the open in between attempts. Unfortunately I had to leave for church so I don't know if he was ever successful or not. I have never seen a hawk that was so bold. I stood only 25-30 feet away from him and he didn't seem bothered at all, he just continued on his hunt.

Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter Cooperii)

In between a couple of his romps in the bushes the hawk sat on the limb and formed out his gameplan for his next try

This picture isn't that great, but I like the way he was watching me

Here he is inside the bush silently waiting to attack

I am hoping that I will see this bird more often, we have enough sparrows around here to keep him going for a while.

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