Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fungi of Veterans Park

I went for a walk next to the creek at Veterans Park a couple of days ago in the hopes of finding some kind of wildlife to photograph. Unfortunately I didn't come across any animals, but I did come across some beautiful fungi. One particular grove of mushrooms looked like a something from "Avatar."

I'm not sure yet what type of fungus this is, I'm leaning towards Auricularia Auricula but I'm not sure of that

There were also many kinds of polypore mushrooms

and finally my favorite find of the day; a grove of Mycena Galericulata straight from "Avatar." I wasn't able to get any great photos due to the darkness of the area, but some came out decently. The big disappointment of these pictures is that you can't get a good idea of how many of these mushrooms there were. This first photo is the dead tree that they were growing inside of.

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