Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wolf Creek - Darters, Crayfish, and more

Today I decided to drive to Wolf Creek and see if I could catch any darters. The first time i put my net in the water I came up with this beautiful darter

subspecies of Orangethroat Darter

It turned out that the section of Wolf Creek that I went to was full of darters. I caught several beautiful male darters and even more female darters, including several pregnant females.
Female Darter (rainbow or orangethroat?)

Female Rainbow Darter

Subspecies of Orangethroat Darter

I also caught several large Crawfish, including one that was almost all black

Black Crayfish, not sure exactly what kind but apparently they are rather rare

I also caught this mosquitofish

Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusa affinis)

The section of the creek that I caught everything in was really peaceful even though it was right next to a small two lane bridge.

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